I Love My Cocker Spaniels!

by Emily Bartley
(Boulder County, CO)

Best friends forever!

Best friends forever!

Meet Theo and Sophie!

Love is saturating those who just watch the love between others!

They are/were inseparable - people have accused me of inserting magnets in each of them!

Theo came to us from a puppy breeding mill rescue centre, and I fell in love with him while he was still “in the raw” from his puppy mill abuse, completely unsocialized, at three years old.

It was hard for Theo and myself to teach him that paintings on the wall were not real, covering everything with white sheets and removing them inch by inch, every day.

Even now, 10 years later, Theo gives fearful “good speak” if something new is in the house. Still, it all has been more than worth it to have Theo trust a human being for the first time in his life, and his love, his ability to trust me enough to communicate, is undiluted joy.

Theo needed another cocker spaniel to help him explore the world, and Sophie, a REAL house dog, took him under her wing, and we have all thrived with love that cannot be found anywhere else.

Puppy mill breeding dogs are more than worth the effort required to teach them to trust, and the love that pours out is more reward than anyone could hope for.

Sadly, Soph-Soph passed several months ago, and I think we have found a new partner for Theo.
Theo has given up on life, so wish us luck as we work on creating a new bond of love.

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by: Pauline

Hello Emily,

Thank you for the gorgeous photos of your Cocker Spaniels. I'm not sure which one is Theo and which one is Sophie; however, they are both beautiful, and it's obvious they are very close to each other.

I'm so sorry to hear about poor Sophie, but I'm sure she's watching over Theo from above.

I sincerely wish you, Theo and his new partner all the luck in the world!

Take care of each other.

Warm regards,
(Website Owner)

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